Skateboarding helping to combat the national rise in mental health issues


There has been new research which has shown that involvement in skateboarding can ‘reduce stress, increase confidence and provide escapism.’

Skateboarding is well known for its physical health benefits, but did you know that the results found people find skating reduces boredom, helps them to build their confidence and find that it gives them a way to cope with any problems/emotions they might have.

Youngsters also attributed skateboarding to helping them feel a sense of achievement (when performing new tricks), learning and progressing when getting better on a board and feeling like they could be themselves when at a skatepark, surrounded by others with a similar outlook.


Skateboarding has grown more popular since the start of the pandemic, with an rise of over 70,000 people in the UK participating in the sport.

To find a skatepark near you and to find out more about this great sport click here.

With thanks to Skateboard England for this article.

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