Healthy Eating



  • If you give your body the right amount of fuel and the nutrients it needs, you will boost your performance in sport

  • You will improve your energy levels

  • Increase your focus and concentration

  • Build your muscle strength

  • Help reduce injuries

  • Recover quicker

  • Strengthen your immune system

  • Remember that there is no ‘one size fits all’

Depending on your age, how much you train, the intensity, body size and many other factors will change the amount of fuel and nutrients you need.


YES! Breakfast really is an essential meal of the day. It offers important nutrients that help your body and brain to develop.

During the night, your blood sugar levels gradually decrease, in the morning when you eat your breakfast, your glucose (blood sugar) levels shoot up. If you do this too quickly (eating a sugary cereal) your energy levels will spike up and then crash down, making you feel tired and sluggish.

If you start the day with a nutrient-packed breakfast, your blood sugar levels will rise slightly and stay the same so that you have loads of energy to start the day.

There has been lots of research to show that eating a good breakfast will help you perform better academically than those who don't.  Better breakfast = better grades!

If you are a non-breakfast eater, start small, maybe half a smoothie, or a homemade breakfast power ball?

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  • Start your day with at least three of these (dairy, protein, fruits, vegetables, and grains) for your breakfast to be well balanced.

  • Choose wholegrains, high in fibre, like oats, quinoa, or whole wheat bread/wraps/bagels.

  • Always include at least one serving of fruit or veggies.

  • Pick a good source of protein-Greek yoghurt (more protein than natural) Eggs, Cottage cheese, Chia seeds. Nut butters, Tofu (scramble it/put it in a smoothie) Quinoa, Salmon/meat/fish (leftovers from dinner).

  • If you are in a rush, make breakfast to go! Breakfast burrito, smoothie, egg muffins, banana muffins or overnight oats.

  • Don’t forget to hydrate in the morning, start with a large glass of water.

  • Try not to scoff your breakfast in the morning, eat slowly take your time, focus on chewing your food (your digestion will thank you!).

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PROTEIN– Start your day with protein, the “building blocks” for bones, muscles, blood, hormones, vitamins, and more!  If you have protein in the morning it will help with your energy levels, you need to balance your intake throughout the day.

Protein is really important for the recovery and repair of your body and helps make mood boosting brain chemicals.

If you are physically very active, then the amount of protein you need should be higher than someone who does not do any exercise.

Protein Breakfast ingredients – Greek yoghurt (more protein than natural) Eggs, Cottage cheese, chia seeds. Nut butters, Tofu (scramble it/put it in a smoothie) Quinoa, Salmon/meat/fish (leftover dinner)

CARBOHYDRATES – The most important fuel for athletes, you need carbs to fuel your muscles and have enough energy to be at your top performance during your practice and games.  Your body can digest carbohydrates quicker than protein and fat, so they provide quick-acting fuel for exercise.  The timing of when you eat carbohydrates is also important. Your body can only store a small amount, so you need to make sure you have stored enough before and during exercise. You’ll also need to refuel quickly after exercise.

Carbohydrate Breakfast ingredients – Oats, bananas, blueberries, apples, wholegrain toast/wraps/ low sugar cereal, make your own granola

FATS – You need fat to provide you with energy, promote healthy brain function, help absorb certain vitamins, and helps with many other body processes such as creating hormones, storing energy, providing insulation.

Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid. Your body is unable to make it which is why it is important to get it from your diet.  Did you know around 60% of your brain is fat? Omega 3 fatty acids have many benefits and one of these is brain power! Electric signals in the brain travel from one brain cell (neuron) to another and for this to happen they need to pass through the cell membrane (wall) which is pretty much made from fat!

Fat breakfast ingredients -Seeds like chia, flax, pumpkin, and hemp, nuts like walnuts.  Oily fish like salmon and mackerel.  Other types of good fats to add – Avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, natural nut butters

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HealthLisa KingDecember 2020