Canoeing and Stand up Paddle Boarding

Canoeing and SUP (Stand up Paddleboarding) is a sport that lends itself to social distancing! In your own boat, outside, on the water....what could be more perfect?

This time last year it was the ICF Slalom World Cup at Lee Valley and thanks to British Canoeing, we can share some videos of the GB gold medal runs. It’s a sport that requires incredible upper body strength as you can see! 

If you would like to learn more about slalom, take a look at our article from last July.

Easy To Get Paddling

British Canoeing has set up a dedicated website to help you to stay safe and have fun on the water.


Learn to Paddle

There is a section on the site on ‘Learn to Paddle’ which provides a search box to find canoeing, kayaking and SUP courses near you. These are suitable for beginners as well as experienced ‘paddlers’ and there are various awards you can work towards from beginner ‘Start’ to ‘Discover’ and then ‘Explore’.

If you like the idea of trying SUP this summer here are some helpful videos on how to get started.

Take a look at our article on Red Shark Bikes

Paddle Centres

There’s also a section on Paddle Centres which offer courses for beginners and those refreshing their skills. Again there’s a postcode finder. 

Paddle Routes

Not sure where to go with your canoe, kayak or SUP? Follow the link on Go Paddling to find paddling routes near you! There’s a postcode finder so it couldn’t be easier.

Paddle Points

These tell you what you need to know about the route you are taking....toilets, diversons etc.


Are Paddle Clubs open?

Many clubs have reopened now but if you use the postcode checker and find the club closest to you, they will be able to give you more information.

There’s also a useful guidance document from British Canoeing here.

So what are you waiting for? Go Paddling!!

Always remember to wear a lifejacket! 

With thanks to British Canoeing for the use of videos in this article.

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