Girls, Inspired

girls wall climbing
sport in school

The Telegraph have recently launched a new campaign to help inspire more girls to get into sport. Whilst things are improving in this area, it still isn’t enough.

The Telegraph report that ‘Just eight per cent of girls aged between 11 and 18 are meeting the chief medical officer’s recommendation of a daily hour of activity - exactly half the figure for boys. Respectively 44 per cent and 36 per cent of girls and boys aged between 13 and 15 are also either overweight or obese, while insufficient physical activity ultimately costs the National Health Service around £1 billion a year.’

The article which you can read here, also outlines some great statistics from research completed, which helps us to understand why girls may not be participating in sporting activities. Take a look and see if you agree with these. If you have any ideas for how sports can be improved for girls in school, let us know. You can contact us here.

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tennis for kids

There are some great names getting involved in supporting this campaign.

You can read more about the focus on this campaign here and who is getting involved to offer their support.

With a huge thanks to The Telegraph for letting us use these articles and highlight this fantastic campaign.

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